Introduction to PoA Services in your area
The Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) Act 2014 requires Health Boards and Local Authorities Clackmannanshire Council, Stirling Council and NHS Forth Valley have established a Health and Social Care Partnership across the Clackmannanshire and Stirling Council areas, to integrate the planning for, and delivery of, adult health and social care services. The partnership approach extends to third and independent sector colleagues.
Our partnership is responsible for planning and commissioning integrated services and overseeing their delivery. These services cover all adult social care, adult primary and community health care services and the elements of adult hospital care which will offer the best opportunities for service redesign.
By bringing health and social care services across Clackmannanshire & Stirling together, we have the opportunity to improve our outcomes through joint working, better communication, improved efficiency and reduced duplication.
Our Vision is to enable people in Clackmannanshire and Stirling to live full and positive lives within supportive communities
If you are unwell, there may be a time when you are unable to communicate your wishes or make decisions for some reason.
In this situation, have you thought about who you would want to be your spokesperson?
If the person you wish to speak for you has Power of Attorney, they would have more legal rights to represent your wishes and views.
Having a Power of Attorney lets you plan what you want your chosen person to do for you in the future, should you become incapable of making decisions about your own affairs. This might be a member of your family or perhaps a close friend
PoA is a written document which includes a certificate signed either by a solicitor who can practise law in Scotland or by a registered UK medical doctor who holds a licence to practise.
There are 3 types:
- Continuing PoA – gives powers to deal with money and/or property
- Welfare PoA – gives powers to make decisions around health or personal welfare matters
- Combined PoA – gives continuing and welfare powers
More information is available via Office of the Public Guardian (Scotland) and My Power of Attorney in Scotland.
Further Support
Each person who completes an Anticipatory Care Plan is given information and advice around PoA.
A similar arrangement is in place where information is provided during Carer Assessments and also as part of Post Diagnostic Support for people with Dementia.
Pop up information stand and advice from Solicitors for Older People in the atrium area of Forth Valley Royal Hospital.
Further support and information around Power of Attorney can be accessed from our Third Sector Partners, including:
Clackmannanshire Third Sector Interface
Stirlingshire Voluntary Enterprise
Central Carers Centre
Stirling Carers Centre
Alzheimer Scotland
Town Break
If you currently have support from the Clackmannanshire and Stirling Health and Social Care services e.g. General Practitioner, District Nurse / CPN or Homecare Services you can discuss this with them and they will assist with starting the process.
Scotland-wide Resources

Alzheimer Scotland provides a wide range of specialist services for people with dementia and their carers. We offer personalised support services, community activities, information and advice, at every stage of the dementia journey. www.alzscot.org
Local phone number for Alzheimer Scotland: 01573 400342

Legal aid is help towards the costs of legal advice and representation, for those who qualify. It is designed to help individuals on low and modest incomes gain access to the legal system.
Find out more at www.slab.org.uk

The Office of the Public Guardian supports and advises those assisting someone with mental incapacity. They can be contacted on 01324 678300. Their website offers a lot of helpful information.

A solicitor can help you put Power of Attorney in place. You can find a solicitor by contacting the Law Society of Scotland at https://www.lawscot.org.uk/

Solicitors for Older People Scotland (SOPS) is a group of solicitors dedicated to providing legal services to older and vulnerable people in a caring way. SOPS members are committed to providing Power of Attorney under the Legal Aid scheme to clients who qualify.
Find out more at www.sops.org.uk

Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland: CommonConcerns_PowersOfAttorney_July2020.pdf (mwcscot.org.uk)

NHS inform: Legal and practical issues | NHS inform