To download a free guide with helpful information and links click below:
PoA versus Guardianship
Who can be granted PoA?
What should I say?
How does the PoA process work?
Dr. Debbie Brown
Start the Conversation (Jim Pearson)
SLAB: Am I eligible?
What can happen if you don’t have PoA?
When and How (Susan)
When and How (Gillian)

Scottish Care now represents the largest group of Health and Social Care sector independent providers across Scotland delivering residential care, day care, care at home and housing support. There is recognition of the merits for a strong single representative body in Scotland, and our core strategy is to create the strongest possible alliance and collective voice to protect and promote the interests of all independent public care sector providers in Scotland.

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde is the largest health board in the UK. We provide healthcare to over 1.2 million people and employ more than 40,000 staff.
For more information on what we do visit

Glasgow City Council, serving a population of around 600,000, is Scotland’s largest city and is the commercial capital of Scotland.
For more information on what the council do visit

Legal aid is help towards the costs of legal advice and representation, for those who qualify, paid for out of public funds. It is designed to help individuals on low and modest incomes gain access to the legal system.
The Scottish Government decides legal aid policy and the Scottish Parliament makes and changes legislation. The Scottish Legal Aid Board manages the legal aid system in Scotland within the scope of our governing legislation and advises Scottish Ministers.
Find out more on our website
Scotland-wide Resources

Alzheimer Scotland provides a wide range of specialist services for people with dementia and their carers. We offer personalised support services, community activities, information and advice, at every stage of the dementia journey.
Local phone number for Alzheimer Scotland: 01573 400342

Legal aid is help towards the costs of legal advice and representation, for those who qualify. It is designed to help individuals on low and modest incomes gain access to the legal system.
Find out more at

The Office of the Public Guardian supports and advises those assisting someone with mental incapacity. They can be contacted on 01324 678300. Their website offers a lot of helpful information.

A solicitor can help you put Power of Attorney in place. You can find a solicitor by contacting the Law Society of Scotland at

Solicitors for Older People Scotland (SOPS) is a group of solicitors dedicated to providing legal services to older and vulnerable people in a caring way. SOPS members are committed to providing Power of Attorney under the Legal Aid scheme to clients who qualify.
Find out more at

Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland: CommonConcerns_PowersOfAttorney_July2020.pdf (

NHS inform: Legal and practical issues | NHS inform