Alzheimer Scotland provides a wide range of specialist services for people with dementia and their carers. Their Post-Diagnostic Support Link Workers, Dementia Advisor and Carer Project Worker are trained to discuss future planning including Power of Attorney. Contact 0131 6541114 or www.alzscot.org

VOCAL provides information, support and advice to unpaid carers. They have a well-established volunteer run Power of Attorney surgery for carers within the Carer Centre at Hardengreen Estate, Dalkeith. Carers can book to attend with the person they care for, and will be guided through information and supported to make an application for Power of Attorney. This service is free for carers in most circumstances, however there may be costs associated with a medical assessment and fees to the Office of the Public Guardian for the lodging of the application. Contact 0131 6636869 or www.vocal.org.uk

Solicitors for Older People Scotland (SOPS) for short, is a group of solicitors dedicated to providing legal services to older and vulnerable people in a caring way. This group supports this campaign and SOPS members are committed to providing Power of Attorney under the Legal Aid scheme to clients who qualify.
Contact Details: www.sops.org.uk
Local legal firms
Please check with each firm if they are able to offer any promotions during the campaign. This will vary between firms in what they can offer, and when they are able to provide this.
Helen McGinty & Company
One St. Colme Street
Phone: 0131 220 8380
Email: info@helenmcginty.com
Website: helenmcginty.com
Legal Aid for POA (if qualify): Yes
Offers during campaign: Yes, please enquire for more details.
Health Law Ltd
14 Links Place
Phone: 0800 920 2080
Email: info@health-law.uk
Website: www.health-law.uk
Legal Aid for POA (if qualify):
Offers during campaign:
Quill Legal Solicitors
Hudson House
8 Albany Street
Phone: 0131 564 1044
Email: kay@quilllegal.co.uk
Website: www.quilllegal.co.uk
Legal Aid for POA (if qualify): No
Offers during campaign: Yes, please enquire for more details.
Will Service Scotland
Dave Silvester
Phone: 0131 332 1329
Mobile: 07801 106265
Email: dave@willservicesscotland.co.uk
Website: www.willservicesscotland.co.uk
Legal Aid for POA (if qualify): No
Offers during campaign: Yes, please enquire for more details.
Fergusson Law
Janice Fergusson Nisbet
35 Northumberland Street
Phone: 0131 556 4044
Mobile: 07827 329796
Email: Law@fergussonlaw.com
Website: www.fergussonlaw.com
Legal Aid for POA (if qualify): Yes
Offers during campaign: Yes, please enquire for more details.
Scotland-wide Resources

Alzheimer Scotland provides a wide range of specialist services for people with dementia and their carers. We offer personalised support services, community activities, information and advice, at every stage of the dementia journey. www.alzscot.org
Local phone number for Alzheimer Scotland: 01573 400342

Legal aid is help towards the costs of legal advice and representation, for those who qualify. It is designed to help individuals on low and modest incomes gain access to the legal system.
Find out more at www.slab.org.uk

The Office of the Public Guardian supports and advises those assisting someone with mental incapacity. They can be contacted on 01324 678300. Their website offers a lot of helpful information.

A solicitor can help you put Power of Attorney in place. You can find a solicitor by contacting the Law Society of Scotland at https://www.lawscot.org.uk/

Solicitors for Older People Scotland (SOPS) is a group of solicitors dedicated to providing legal services to older and vulnerable people in a caring way. SOPS members are committed to providing Power of Attorney under the Legal Aid scheme to clients who qualify.
Find out more at www.sops.org.uk

Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland: CommonConcerns_PowersOfAttorney_July2020.pdf (mwcscot.org.uk)

NHS inform: Legal and practical issues | NHS inform